
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Microsoft dotnet interview questions

latest Microsoft interview questions. .net technical

1. difference between virual and abstract methods?
Virtual methods must contain implementation whereas abstract methods must not have implementation.
Virtual methods may or may not be overridden in child class whereas abstract methods must be overriden in child class.

2. Can we have virtual constructors?
Ans: No.

3. If we disable the viewstate for the page is the text of textbox retained after postback?
Ans: Yes.

4.What is ViewState?
Ans: ViewState is used to retain property values of control even after postback to the same web form. to prevent instance of a class to be created?
1. make the constructor of the class as private
2. make the class as sealed class.

6. what is the use of constructor?
Ans: To initialize the datamembers of the class.

7. what is abstract class?
Ans: A class with atleast one method declared as abstract and the class must have the abstract keyword.

value momentum dotnet interview questions

1. What is cyclic reference?
2.Design patterns?
3. What is the use of source safe?
4.Method overloading types?
5.Logical question: get the highest of 1000 integers
6. singleton class
7.Static classes
9.A class with a private contructor. Can this class be inherited? no

value labs dotnet interview questions

1. Linq lambda expression
2. statement management techniquest.
3. ways of wcf hosting
4. difference between webservices and wcf.
5. generics
6. difference between statement management techniques, connected and disconected architecture, stored procedure and functions.
7. how to call button click event handler using javascript.
Ans: __dopostback method
8. why use soapfault in wcf
Ans: channel security and to maintain connection between client and server.
9. types of bindings in wcf.
10. design patterns

value labs project manager round interview questions

Please find below the latest valuelabs interview questions for dotnet.

1.Difference between assembly and dll?
2.What is XSLT?
3. Implement Dataset functionality using classes.
5.How to assign image from databast to image control?
6.n-tier architecture
7.What are static classes what is its use?
8. Write code showing the DataAdapter functionality?
9.What are the uses of interface? to connect to oracle database from code?
Ans: using oledb provider. Is there any other way of connecting to oracle database.
11.In a page calles page1.aspx, you have 2 textbox. there is a usercontrol with a button which is used in the page1.aspx page. now how to retreive the textbox values in button click event of usercontrol button.

wipro interview dotnet questions

Recently I have attended I wipro Interview. Please look at below questions. If it can be of help to someone searching for job.

1. what is csc.exe, alg.exe, rsgen.exe ?
2. String builder is mutable string is immutable ?
3. Static class: Class with static members, methods.
4. Singleton class: class whose constructor is private. and can be instantiated only once.
5.Abstract class its advantages.
6. Interface its advantages.
7. difference between stored procedure and function. Every interview this quesion is asked.
8. Connected and disconnected architecture?
9.Assembly something related answer is build.major.minor.revision.
10. How to get version of assembly?
11.if stored procedure is taking long time for execution what you will do?
12. How to increase performance in c# code.
13. var keyword?
14. all oops concepts
15. forms authentication
16. difference between cookies , sessions, application object, viewstate?
17. statement management techniques. their advantages and disadvantages?
18. Generics and collections . Every interview this quesion is asked.

wipro project manager round

1. What is SDLC?
2. What are different types of testing?
3. If given a task by your project manager? how do you estimate the time for completing the task?
4. Are you ready to work at nights?
5. Are you ready to work on testing projects?

Accenture WPF Interview Questions

1. What is PRISM,CAL
2.Difference between MVVM,MVC patterns
3. Difference between Delegates and Events..How it is used in WPF Application.
4.How the MVVM Pattern works. Which layer talks to which layer like Model to viewmodel or vice versa?
5.Difference between SQL Server 2008,2005, 2008 R2.
6.Have you worked on SSRS?
7.You have hosted a WCF Service on one machine and if it goes down..what will you do?
8.2 dropdownlists in your WPF User control. if you change value in one dropdown how it will get notified to other dropdown?
9.Different ways of hosting/deploying wpf apps?
10. Have you used WPF Usercontrols in your WPF applications.
11.What are attached properties in WPF?
12. What are Dependency properties in WPF? Give an example where you have used in your project.
13.Is WPF a webbased or windows based application?

Deloitte Dot Net Interview Questions

Latest January 2013 Deloitte .Net Interview Questions for experience of 3+years

This requirement was for Delloitte for ASP.NET,C#,Javascript dotnet  requirement. Below are the questions asked:
1. Application Blocks.
2.How the exception is logged in your project.
3.Indexed Views
4.Have you done performance tuning in sql server database.
5. Visual Studio 2010 features.
6. Is it possible to write DML statements in views? in wcf?
8.Difference between: Web services and WCF.
9.Difference between caching and application variable
10.Types of index in sql server
11.Difference between dataset and datareader
12.How to write class in javascript
13.which is fast: executing linq query or executing query using store procedure.
14. Which interface is implemented by using block?

Wipro Dot Net Interview questions

1. What is assembly
2. What are the type of authentications ?
3. What is a singleton class.
4. What are access modifiers and explain them.
5. Public,private,protected,Protected internal
6. What is shared assemblies
7. What is versioning.
8. Difference between ASP and
9. Difference between WebServices and WCF
10. What is use of Webservice when you have DCOM
11. How do you retrieve hierarchical data from database
12. What is static class
13. difference between abstract class and static class
14. difference between interface and abstract class
15. Use of Interface and delegates
16. How do you handle webservice event in the page
17. Explain Page Life Cycle.
18. Application Life cycle
19. Session Modes
20. What is caching and its types.

Philips Dot Net Interview Questions

1. What is Data Abstraction?
2. Explain Explicit Interface.
3.Difference between Abstract Class & Interface.
4. Can a Abstract Class be instantiated. Can an interface be instantiated.
5.How do you enforce garbage collection in .Net.
6. What are read only properties.
7.What is GAC.
8. What is strong name. Four properties of strong name.
9.Explain Serialization. Difference between Serialization and ISerialization.
10. What is Boxing and Unboxing.
11.Explain Delegate and Multicast Delegate.
12. What is reflection. How do you use reflection in dot net.
13.How do you create strong name.
14.Explain Virtual Method.
15. What is singleton and factory pattern.

HCL Dotnet Interview Questions

1. Code Ananlysis Security?

2. System.Exception and Application.Exception

3. what is Indexes? Types

4. Threads

5. Code for palindrome number

6. code for string reverse

7. Code 2nd highest number in array

8. Array sort

9. 5th highest number of leaves of an employee

10. code for fibonacci series

11. code for n factorial

12. Code for array sort

13. webserver internal work

14. data adapter internal work
15. session internal work

Atos Origin Dotnet Interview Questions


1. Draw .NET framework diagram

2. Qustions on creating a reference to base class and instantiating with the object of derived class and vice versa.

3. What is an interface.

4. What is run-time polymorphism, give examples in C#.

5. What are the significant features of OOP concept.

6. What is the difference between String and StringBuilder Class

7. What are the new features that have been added by .NET 2.0

8. What do you know about AJAX.

9. Explain Join, Aggregate with reference to SQL-SERVER.

10. What is the differenet between managed and unmanaged code.

11. Describe ASP.NET page life cycle.  

Auction One Dotnet Interview Questions

 C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server 

1. What are web-parts?
2. Differentiate between web-parts and custom controls.
3. What is an interface?
4. Differentiate between a structure and a class.
5. What are delegates?
6. How you will do edit, update, delete in Gridview control when the data inserted in it is coming from a Join operation?
7. How is ADO.NET different from ADO?
8. What are the advantages of ADO.NET?
9. Differentiate between unique key and primary key.
10. What is a cross-join? 

VSoft Technology Dotnet Interview Questions

1)Explain Abstraction and Encapsulation

2)What are the different ways to achieve Polymorphism?

3)Explain IIS Authentication with diiferent types?

4)What is Delegate?

5)Write how to declare Delegate? How to define Events explicity? How to raise an Event and Where?

6)What information stored in Strong Name?

7)How we can handle State management Techniques?

8)What are the Session management Techniques?

9)What is Web Garden and Web Farm?

10)What are the basic reqquirements of SOA Architecture?

11)Is web Service is coming under SOA?

12)Can we do the Transactions in WCF?


1. CLR

2. CTS(in which form it will be conveted)

3. IL(Intermediate Language form)

4. COmponents of Assembliy

5. Garbage collector

6. Generation in .net


7. Abrastclass

8. difference between abstact and interface

9. in which scenario abstact class u have used

10. difference between abstract method and virtual method

11. static constructor

12. Abstraction, Encapsulation


1. Diff b/w ExecuteBonQuery and ExecuteScalar?

12. y we are using statemanagement tecniques

13. cookies definition

14. where cookies actually stored

15. difference between xml and html

16. datacontract

17. endpoing

18. Dual binding

19. Data Controls in .net

20. Session Management

21. What is data grid and what is the use of it?

22. session life cycle

23. authentication type

24. Diff array and arraylist

25. generics? why we need generics? examples

26. Connection Pooling

17. life cycle events?

18. trasactions in sql server?

19. diff Protected n Protected Internal

Sql server:-

19. what is stored procedure

20. difference between function and sps

21. can functions use Transactions

22. write the query to get last 10 records from table

23. do u have any idea about triggers

24. syntax of stored procdure

25. Types of Stored procedures

26. What are magical tables

27. Diff b/w Primary key and Unique Key

28. Save point

29. Increasing the stored Procedure performance?

30. SQL-Transaction Statements?

What is the advantage of using stored procedure over the SQL queries?

Microsoft :-

1. Datasturctures

2. what is the use ok linked list

3. Replacing characters of char array with two chars?

  eg: char a[]={a,b,c,a,f,d}

      replace a with "an"

4. which is best one in stack, queue, linkedlist?

5. what is Polymorphism? real time examples?

Linq :-

1. Linq name space?

Mind Tree Dotnet Interview Questions

  1. I have the string in format of Rs.2, 50,000. Now I want to read the string value as 250000 and insert into database (let assume that Rs 2,50,000 coming from third party like web services, wcf services, or from other application ) can u write the code to remove the commas.
  2. Can a stored procedure call another stored procedure?
  3. Difference between function and stored procedure?
  4. How can you know the number of rows affected by last SQL statement?
  5. What is the use of COMMIT TRANS?
  6. What are cursors?
  7. Types of indexes?
  8. What is the purpose of UPDATE STATISTICS?
  9. Can u write the code for , I have the date time columns in data base which it stores in the format of date time 01/09/2010 10:02:56 now I want to display the date as 1- sept-2010 ?
  10. How do you find the duplicate rows in the table?
  11. What is a typed dataset?
  12. What are collection classes?
    Array list, dictnory…, Can u tell me the use of dictionary data type?
  13. What are generics?
  14. What is the use of Partial Classes
  15. What is the use of Enum data type? 
    Side question: it is reference type r value type?
  16. For ex I have

    Public enum

    Sunday =1;




    I need to fill this into dropdown list?
  17. How the security is implemented in your project? 

    I told like, by implementing the 3-tier architecture, using forms authentication, encrypting the password, query strings.
    Interviewer how you encrypt the password, I mean which approach u choose, or client specified particular process. .. Can u tell me how many methods  you know to encrypt
  18. I have string value like “This is Reddys” now I want to spilt the word at white spaces and collect the words into array list?
  19.  I have a webpage with some text boxes and one button with name refresh, when I click the button all the textboxes should get refresh, how can u achieve this?
    In button event we can write the textbox1.text=”” or text.clear(); 

    Side question if I have 25 control in my webform then for 25 controls you will write text. text=”” ------ so on. 

    How much u can rate Ur self in out of 5---
  20. Does a form authentication is work when cookies are turn off at browser side? H’w can u achieves the forms authentication?
  21. Difference between forms authentication and windows authentication? 
    Side why windows authentication is more secured when compare to forms authentication
  22.  Can u write the query for to retrieve all records which are modified in last 10 days?

CSC Dotnet interview questions

  1. Tell me abt ur project .. ? Roles and Responsibilities
  2. What is meant  by 3-tier architecture ?
  3. What is use of 3-tier architecture ? Difference between 3-tier architecture and 3 layered architecture
  4. What does business logic layer and databases  layer contains ?
  5. Take simple form in ur project , explain how data is access ( what r the methods u called for inserting the  values, passing the parameters from one tier to another)?
  6.  Difference  between Abstract classes and interface ?
  7.  Can we create the object for abstract classes ? is it necessary  to implement all the methods of abstract   classes  in  derived  class ?
  8. Can I implement multiple number of interfaces in a single class ?
  9. What is meant  by Partial Class ?
  10. Difference between 2.0 and 3.5 ?
  11. What are the new base  class methods in   .net 3.5  ?
  12.  What is meant by Object Instance Initialization in .net 3.5 ?
  13.   How can u handle the trouble shooting in ur project ? what is the use of  N-unit ? Did u use linq in ur project .. ?  
  14. “var” data type ? and  tell me the extension methods ?
  15. Can we write the code for I have List and I have the table employee with employ id, employee  name  ,I   fill the table in datasetset  ,by using “ForEach” loop collect result row collection for list ?Did u use Ajax in ur project ..
  16. What is meant by  Ajax  ?  use of Ajax ?
  17. Can I have a Multiple Update panel in a webpage ? 
  18.  In which  Scenario we use  in conditional mode in Update panel ?
  19. What is the use of Script Manger and Proxy Script Manger ? What are Ajax tools u used in ur project ?
  20.  Is it possible to invoke the modal popup from code behind ?
  21. What happens when page is refresh On Modal popup ?
  22.  Page life cycle events ?
  23. When the page is post-back by an event handlers (like  dropdownselectedindex, tnclickevent) When this event is executed before page load  or after page load ?
  24. What is the “Auto Event Fired”  What happened  when  it is true,false ?
  25. What is the use of View State, if it is turned off  what happened ?
  26.  In process and out process Session memory ?
  27. In Which Scenario we can use Out process session ?
  28.  Difference between Application variables and session variables , where we maintain application state ?
  29. In forms Authentication , cookie, true or false represents ?
  30.  Difference between the cookies and sessions ?
  31.  Types of cache ? vary by param ? time slide expiration ?
  32.  How can we set the time out of for  data caching ?
  33.  My stored procedure returns 3 results set , does the data reader can handle ?
  34.  Difference between data set and data reader ? which is light weighted ?
  35.  Where does  the caching the data located ?
  36.  What is meant by Nullable type ?
  37.  Did use Jquey,Json ?

Syntel Dotnet Interview Questions

First round  techincal

  1. What is  unity container in MVC
  2. WCF Architecture 
  3. Explain Razor View engine
  4. What different Types of Contracts in WCF and why it necessary to use Contracts
  5. Explain Serialization in WCF
  6. Which is fast DataContract or XML  Serialization
  7. What is opt in seralization
  8. write down the wcf service for customizing  SOAP Header
  9. What is group hierarchical Join in LINQ
  10. What is difference between Iquerable and IEnumerable  
  11. Featurs of ORACS framework
Second round technical

  1. Explain Transaction in WCF  or write the service including transaction
  2. Can we used transaction in basic http binding or in webservice
  3. Write the WSDL Documents for particular service (He given one simple service right now i don't remember)
  4. Types of Hosting in WCF?
  5. Give the practical example of Self Hosting in WCF  how u host the service WAS 
  6. Different layeres in WCF
  7. Why organization using wdfederation2007http binding

Polaris Dotnet Interview Questions

1. Diff b/w .net2.0 framework and .ner3.5 framework?

2. Diff b/w sql 2.0 and sql2.5?

3. page life cycle?

4. Diff b/w Datagrid n Dataview n Datarepeater? use

5. INdexes in sql?

6. Crystal Reports question?

7. Restric the text area n text box lenghts?

8. master page loaded event?

9. Difference between server.execute() and server.transfer()?

10.   in which event we will apply color to a grid.

11.   diff between pre render and render.

12.   temp table.

13.   what is use of created static classes and static variables.

14.   where session id will store in client side.

15.   custom control and user control ? when to use controls.

16.   viewstate where it will store.

17.   what are oops concepts ? what are type of polymorphisum.

18.   which is run time polymorphisum.

19.   diff between overriding and overloading.

20.   diff between inhertance and static.

21.   what is static class what is pupose of delcaring class as static.

22.   what are  contraints in DB.

23.   which is referiantial intergrity contriant.

24.   diff between primary and unique key.

25.   diff between sp and Functions.

26.   can we return more than one value from SP.

27.   what is an view and its pupose.

28.   in order to insert into multiple views what we will do.

29.   which trigger we will use for Complex view.

30.   Command properties? what will excecute scalar will return.

31.   what value it will return if my table contains 10 rows and 10 columns.

32.   what is prupose of garbage collector and how it will work.

33.   how we will do disposing give syntax.

34.   indexes in c#.

35.   delegate and events.

36.   what is purpose of generics.

37.   what is an objet.

38.   different mode of session.

39.   when we will use state server and sql server mode.

40.   how server will identify the client browser.

41.   wher viewstate will maintained.

42.   how to validate drop downlist where i was selected are not using required field validator

43.   diff between render and prerender

44.   ref and out

45.   which event is not present in master page

46.   diff types of indexers in sql server


48.   triggers

49.   isolation levels in sql server

50.   two uses of new keyword

Tech Mahindra Dotnet Interview Questions

1.WebSite Contains different pages with some support VB.NET and Some Support C#.NET, is that WEBSite working fine or NOt, if works how?

2.Explain about Cubes

3.Dumping of Data from One server to Other Server every day at 7 PM , How you do

4.Why you using MVP Pattern

5. Why you follow basichttpbinding in your WCF Service

6.difference b/w VB.NET and C#.NEt

7. How to convert COM OBjects to DotNET OBjects

8. Explain about SPS,Functions,Indexes and their Performance Tuning TIps

9.Difference B/w SP and UDF

10.Explain about J-Query

11. HOw many tables used in your MOdule

12. How you Handling Exceptions in your Project

13. How you using Overriding in your Project

14. In which Situations ur using Sessions and View States

15. How you write Validation for Arabic Keys in password

16. what is maximum size of session

17. difference b/w interface and Abstraction

18. Explain about Abstraction

19. HOw you do AutoPOstback for Drop downs

20. After website publishing, client said some changes, how you did those changes from DB to our frontEnd

21. What is default Authentication When you create one PRoject

21. Application states

22. State Management

23  Session Management, what is Session MOde in ur PRoject, Why you using that MODe.

24 Disadvantages of Cookies

25. HOw many classes you can keep in ur ASPX Page

26. Explain About Search PICkers, how you use XML in those

27. Did you use any Ajax Controls, User Controls.

28. What are different sections of ASPX page

29 How do you perform Validation in ur Project, tell me the Code for Validation of JavaScript Function

30 How do you show Menus in ur Project

31 IF I want only show Some pages in Menus , How can you doing in ur Project

32 Why you using Presenters in ur Application

33 How can u kill a Session
Ans). Session.abandon();