
Sunday 17 November 2013

Accenture Dotnet Interview Questions

  1. What is Exception handling 
  2. How can we handle multiple exceptions
  3. What is script timeout in
  4. How can we validate drop down box in
  5. Types of Indexes 
  6. In which one is best
  7. What is copy constructor
  8. Difference between user control and custom control
  9. What is serialization
Accenture Dotnet Interview Questions

  1. What are the interested  areas  that u worked in ur current project
  2. Explain ASP.Net   page LifeCycle.
  3. What are the New features  .net 3.5 ?
  4. What is an interface
  5. What are the Oops Concepts that are used in ur project..
  6. What is abstract classes in which scenario u choose abstract clases over  an interface.. ?
  7. What is the use Static classes.. ?
  8. How do u implement Encapusaltion in dotnet.. ?
  9. Difference between gridview and datagrid.. /
  10. If you enable the EnableViewState and disable all the controls What it happens.
  11. How can we install dll explicitly in .Net.
  12. Solve this
       Int a=5;
       String str ;
       Str = a;   // We have to convert the int into string.
     Will the program gets executed or else whats the error u rgetting how can u clear it.
         Does Object is Value type or reference type.
         What is stack and Queue.Examples of these.
  1. Use of garbage collector?
  2. CTS .. ?
  3. Can we use insert statement into the cursor or we had only direct insert statement.
  4. What is meant by View  state
  5. Is it possible to view the data in view state?
  6. Diiference between Storedprocedure and function .. ?
  7. Can we write.. an update statement in function ?

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