
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Tech Mahindra Dotnet Interview Questions

1.WebSite Contains different pages with some support VB.NET and Some Support C#.NET, is that WEBSite working fine or NOt, if works how?

2.Explain about Cubes

3.Dumping of Data from One server to Other Server every day at 7 PM , How you do

4.Why you using MVP Pattern

5. Why you follow basichttpbinding in your WCF Service

6.difference b/w VB.NET and C#.NEt

7. How to convert COM OBjects to DotNET OBjects

8. Explain about SPS,Functions,Indexes and their Performance Tuning TIps

9.Difference B/w SP and UDF

10.Explain about J-Query

11. HOw many tables used in your MOdule

12. How you Handling Exceptions in your Project

13. How you using Overriding in your Project

14. In which Situations ur using Sessions and View States

15. How you write Validation for Arabic Keys in password

16. what is maximum size of session

17. difference b/w interface and Abstraction

18. Explain about Abstraction

19. HOw you do AutoPOstback for Drop downs

20. After website publishing, client said some changes, how you did those changes from DB to our frontEnd

21. What is default Authentication When you create one PRoject

21. Application states

22. State Management

23  Session Management, what is Session MOde in ur PRoject, Why you using that MODe.

24 Disadvantages of Cookies

25. HOw many classes you can keep in ur ASPX Page

26. Explain About Search PICkers, how you use XML in those

27. Did you use any Ajax Controls, User Controls.

28. What are different sections of ASPX page

29 How do you perform Validation in ur Project, tell me the Code for Validation of JavaScript Function

30 How do you show Menus in ur Project

31 IF I want only show Some pages in Menus , How can you doing in ur Project

32 Why you using Presenters in ur Application

33 How can u kill a Session
Ans). Session.abandon();